اضاءة تصوير. توزيع الاضاءة في التصوير الفوتوغرافي

The retouching part would be a lot easier to follow and understand and faster to digest I am no ever an inch closer to knowing how to build studio than I was before reading this
I expected also lights and frame explanations so I'm disappointed but retouch also is not interesting Still, I think the set-ups will come in handy one day and at least now I know what kind of equipment I sho I think this book will come in more handy for me further down my journey to photographer

إضاءة.. تصوير.. تنقيح

A good introduction and easy to see how to delve further elsewhere.

توزيع الاضاءة في التصوير الفوتوغرافي
It's one I'll refer back to, I'm sure
إضاءة التصوير
الإضاءة ولوازم الإستديو
Subtitle suggests that this book will learn you how to make photo starting from empty studio
It is first book of Kelby I have read So unfortunately this is also a lie
Turns out nearly every chapter has something every photographer can use I just started working with lighting, though I've done some Photoshop work over the years

إضاءة التصوير

Lights configuration is shown and no decision process or any kind of detailed explanation why is no mentioned.

افكار إحترافية لـ تصوير المنتجات وقواعد توزيع الإضاءة
It is ONLY about Retouch
توزيع الاضاءة في التصوير الفوتوغرافي
That being said, there are some good tips and tricks in the book
افضل ستاند اضاءة للتصوير 2021 للفيديو وصور السيلفي من نون
There were this ideas presented here that myself and a friend were surprised and amused to find the teachers in our photography school would never consider
At the time I had no studio lighting equipment and was not sure how much use I would get out of it, but new the writing would be classic Scott Kelby so there had to be something in there for me There are some great techniques laid out "step by step" for even the most amateur photographer
The lighting set ups aren't very detailed in a technical sense but good food for thought if you have the equipment I just started working with lighting, though I've done some Photoshop work over the years

إضاءة.. تصوير.. تنقيح

For now he is for me a retoucher not a photographer - he prefers to make average photo and retouch it than make it good at first.

إضاءة تصوير تنقيح by Scott Kelby
I will consider reading another one, but only because I heard a lot of good about him
إضاءة.. تصوير.. تنقيح
I found this extremely useful for step-by-step post-processing guidance in Photoshop
افضل ستاند اضاءة للتصوير 2021 للفيديو وصور السيلفي من نون
And it would be OK if title suggests that