العاب عيال. International Play Association (IPA World)

We are recognized by, ECOSOC Economic and Social Council , and UNICEF, and work in agreement with their principles In 2014, IPA released the updated
Provide time, space, materials, natural settings, and programs with leaders where children may develop a sense of belonging, self-esteem, and enjoyment through play Constant exposure of children to war, violence, exploitation and destruction

العاب عيال

Oppose the building of high-rise housing and provide opportunities to mitigate its detrimental effects on children and families.

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IPA AND THE UNITED NATIONS In 1971, the IPA Board decided that it was important to cooperate with the UN organizations
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CHILDREN have played at all times throughout history and in all cultures
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Ensure basic conditions nutrition, sanitation, clean water and air which promote the healthy survival and development of all children Provide all children, particularly those with special needs, with access to a diversity of play environments, toys and play materials through community programs such as pre-school play groups, toy libraries and play buses
PLAY helps children develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially PLAY is a means of learning to live, not a mere passing of time

العاب عيال

PLANNING The needs of the child must have priority in the planning of human settlements.

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Establish programs for professionals and parents about the benefits of play from birth onwards
International Play Association (IPA World)
IPA organizes regional and national conferences, workshops, symposia and study tours and holds a triennial World Congress
International Play Association (IPA World)
Promote the use of co-operative games and fair play for children in sports