عمي يا بياع الورد. Stream فؤاد سالم

Nadya Kourani John Murchison George Maamari Brian Prunka Adam Maalouf Sam Younes Ryan Tabshi• She has such a gentle, nurturing spirit and playful soul Whatever happened that impaired me? Naturally, the feeling of disparity, hopelessness, and fear of completely losing his eyesight inspired him to compose this Muwashah
She has an exceptionally unique bond with them Special thanks to professor Nadya Kourani who made this happen! My heart is in woe, my restlessness grows So when may your embrace be? accompanied by the talented: Gabriel Dahrieh Mohamed Abdallah Naseem Alatrash Firas Zreik Prof

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::::: Ali Abdul Ameer ::::: مغنيا الورد العراقيان.. ماذا سينشدان اليوم؟
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اغنية عمي يابياع الورد

اغنية عمي يابياع الورد


Stream سمير كويفاتي بانوراما الورد by Aref Haj Youssef
Hatem al iraqi : عمي يا بياع الورد
اغنية عمي يابياع الورد