وزن الحوت الازرق. طول الحوت الأزرق ووزنه

The marine mammals of the northwestern coast of North America Places to Visit around the Isle of Lewis
Seymour Center, University of California, Santa Cruz Ameghiniana 30 3 : 271—282• Foods of baleen whales in the northern Pacific

معلومات عن الحوت الأزرق بالصور والفيديو

Marine Mammal Science 20 4 : 726—754• A review of feeding and reproduction in large baleen whales Mysticeti and sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus in Norwegian and adjacent waters.

تعرف على الحوت الازرق أكبر حيوان في العالم
The Blue Whale: A Catalogue of Individuals from the Western North Atlantic Gulf of St
لماذا الحوت الازرق مهدد بالانقراض
Hjort J, Ruud JT 1929
كم يبلغ وزن الحوت الأزرق
Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, ,
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 50 4 : 1193—1198• Dolphins, Porpoises and Whales of the World: The IUCN Red Data Book "Geographic variation in external morphology of North Pacific and Southern Hemisphere blue whales Balaenoptera musculus "
Evidence for increases in Antarctic blue whales based on Bayesian modelling Commn 1 Special Issue : 80—87• National Marine Fisheries Service 2002

كم يبلغ وزن الحوت الأزرق

Comparison between the complete mtDNA sequences of the blue and fin whale, two species that can hybridize in nature.

لماذا الحوت الازرق مهدد بالانقراض
Whaling and fishing in the North Atlantic
كم يبلغ وزن الحوت الأزرق
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
طول الحوت الأزرق ووزنه
Lactation in Whales and Dolphins: Evidence of Divergence Between Baleen- and Toothed-Species