منمنمات اسلاميه. المنمنمات الإسلامية by Maria Vittoria Fontana

Canby, Islamic Art in Detail, The British Museum Press, London, 2005 Canby, Islamic Art in Detail, The British Museum Press, London, 2005
, The Islamic Book, A Contribution to Its Art and History from the VII- XVIII, Leipzig printed, Paris, 1929

منمنمات إسلامية

Lowry, Akbar's India : art from the Mughal City of victory, The Asia Society Galleries, London, 1985.

«منمنمات» يحتفي بآثــار القاهرة الإسلامية
- Bernard lewis, The World of Islam, Faith-phople Culture, London, 1997
بحث صورة منمنمات اسلامية
- Iftikhar Dadi, "Miniature Painting as Muslim Cosmopolitanism", ISIM Review International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World , vol
فن المنمنمات الإسلامي: قصة أطول الفنون الزخرفية عمرًا
Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1983
Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages 3, Freer Gallery of Art, The Smithsonian Institution and Department of History of Art, University of Michigan, 1959, pp
- Emmy Wellesz, "An Early al-Sufi Manuscripts in The Bodleina library in - Oxford: A Study in Islamic Constellation Images", Arts Orinetalis, Vol 18, ISIM, Leiden, Autumn, 2006

«منمنمات» يحتفي بآثــار القاهرة الإسلامية

Jonathan Alexander; Medieval Illuminators and their Methods of Work; p.

المنمنمات الاسلامية
Canby, Shah Abbas The Remaking of Iran, The British Museum Press, London, 2009
فن المنمنمات الاسلامية