Zip code makkah. Postal Zip Codes of 13 Cities of Saudi Arabia

What is the postal code of Jeddah? The Zip Code or Postal Code of Ras Tanura is 32816 The Zip Code or Postal Code of Jeddah is 21577
So it is the most important city and the use of Makkah Postal code or Makkah zip code is common The Zip Code or Postal Code of Rumailah

All Zip Codes in Mecca IN

Al Qunfudhah: The administrative governorate center, located in the southwest of the Emirate of Makkah at a distance of 360 km.

Postal codes in Saudi Arabia
The postal Code for Al Wadi is 13313 — 3438
Saudi Arabia Postal Codes in 2021
Every City have the Different Postal or postcode which is consist of five or nine digits
Riyadh Postal Codes
The Zip Code or Postal Code of Qassim, Buraidah, is 51431
For example, the simple and general postal code of Riyadh is 22334, and Turaif is: 446788 with the mot precision: 3444-00000 THE extended ZIP code of 5 digits is separated by a hyphen and four additional digits for a more precise location
Postal code of Yanbu: 30799• King ordered the Prince of Al Qunfudhah Sharif Abdullah ibn Hamza to leave it in April 1344 AH and appointed Mohammed ibn Agag prince on Qunfudah and Turki bin Mohammed Ibn Madi as the financial agent For example: Riyadh Governorate is divided and coded into three sectors 2, 3 and 4 which are contained within the main sector of Riyadh

Postal Zip Codes of 13 Cities of Saudi Arabia

Its important to use Zip code or Pin Code or Postal Code of Buraidah at the end of your address Zip Code of Buraidah is 51431 What is the Zip Code or Postal Code of Dhahran? The Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahad bin Abdul Aziz and his honest Crown Prince always endeavours, through its development plans, to give a transparent and clear vision in the application of new systems and the utilization of the modern and advanced technologies which ensure the citizen an outstanding and distinguished service.

Postal codes in Saudi Arabia
The Zip Code or Postal Code of Hafr Al-Batin is 39923
Zip Codes, Postal Codes of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, Riyadh Cities Zip Code KSA
These regions and their specifications are these:• Saudi Post issues even numbers to the south sectors and odd to the northern
Jeddah, Riyadh ZIP Code
8 Average mm inches 29 1
As that port Qunfudah was an important port on the Red Sea coast where it contributed to receive large ships loaded from Yemen and the Levant So it may be written as:• Develop the work pattern that Saudi Post has been working by for the past 30 years
This happened first in extensive urban communities The Zip Code or Postal Code of Al-Hareeq

All Zip Codes in Mecca IN

Saudi Locator is developed to make postal addressing easier for both individuals and companies also.

Zip Codes, Postal Codes of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, Riyadh Cities Zip Code KSA
7 Median age Female 23
Saudi Arabia Postal Codes in 2021
The Zip Code or Postal Code of Sakaka is 75471
Riyadh Postal Codes
The Zip Code or Postal Code of Turaif is 75311