בנדיקט. בנדיקט ארנולד

Many historians point to her as facilitating Arnold's plans to switch sides; he opened secret negotiations with André, and Peggy relayed the messages אשתו של ארנולד העמידה פנים שהיא חפה מפשע, ובאישורו של וושינגטון נשלחה לפילדלפיה
From the ship, he wrote a letter to Washington requesting that Peggy be given safe passage to her family in Philadelphia—which Washington granted French and Indian War In 1755, Arnold was attracted by the sound of a drummer and attempted to enlist in the provincial militia for service in the , but his mother refused permission

‫בנדיקט, תל

She is buried in the crypt of the.

Benedict Arnold
מאוחר יותר נקברו סמוך לו גם אשתו ובתו
General Washington assigned Arnold to the defense of following the British seizure of in December 1776, where the militia were too poorly equipped to even consider an attack on the British
בנדיקט ארנולד
He had his leg crudely set, rather than allowing it to be amputated, leaving it 2 inches 5 cm shorter than the right
The pursuing American army included the , who was under orders from Washington to hang Arnold summarily if he was captured At first, he asked for indemnification of his losses and £10,000, an amount that the Continental Congress had given for his services in the Continental Army
סרט נוסף בו קמברבאץ' כיכב והופק בשיתוף עם חברת ההפקות SunnyMarch היה "" הפרויקט הראשון של החברה היה סרט במימון המונים בשם "Little Favour", אשר נכתב ובוים על ידי מונרו


Arnold was promoted to brigadier general for his role in reaching Quebec, and he maintained an ineffectual siege of the city until he was replaced by Major General in April 1776.

בנדיקט ארנולד
He organized the militia response, along with David Wooster and Connecticut militia General
‫בנדיקט, תל
Brown was particularly vicious, publishing a handbill which claimed of Arnold, "Money is this man's God, and to get enough of it he would sacrifice his country"
‫בנדיקט, תל
כוחותיו של אלן תקפו בהצלחה את אך אלן עצמו נשבה , כאשר ארנולד הוביל כוח צבאי מ לכיוון מזרח, אל העיר ונטל חלק ב, שבו נורה ברגלו ב- של אותה שנה
She exerted powerful influence on her husband, who is said to have been his own man but who actually was swayed by his staff and certainly by his wife הוא נשפט בבית דין צבאי מספר פעמים
במכתב לחברו לשעבר, ג'ורג' וושינגטון, הוא כתב: "הייתה זו אהבה לארצי שהניעה אותי להתנהגותי הנוכחית, אולם זה עלול להיראות לא עקבי לעולם, שלעיתים רחוקות בלבד שופט אדם כהלכה לפי מעשיו" Arnold received a commission as a brigadier general in the British Army, an annual pension of £360, and a lump sum of over £6,000

‫בנדיקט, תל

In Arnold's home town of Norwich, Connecticut, someone scrawled "the traitor" next to his record of birth at city hall, and all of his family's gravestones have been destroyed except his mother's.

‫בנדיקט, תל
Arnold said that it would have been better had it been in the chest instead of the leg
She married Arnold on 8 April 1779
Benedict Arnold
ב-2004 קמברבאץ' שיחק בתפקיד הראשי הראשון שלו כאסטרופיזיקאי והתאורטיקן בדרמה "הוקינג", תפקיד עליו היה מועמד ל