مفهوم التعليم عن بعد. التعليم عن بعد متطلباته وأهميته في 2021

"Distance Education: Where It Started and Where It Stands for Gifted Children and Their Educators "Homophily of Network Ties and Bonding and Bridging Social Capital in Computer-Mediated Distributed Teams"
Gold, Larry; Maitland, Christine 1999 Casey, Anne Marie; Lorenzen, Michael 2010

متطلبات التعليم عن بعد

Pittman, Correspondence Study in the American University: A Second Historiographical Perspective, in Michael Grahame Moore, William G.

بحث شامل عن التعليم عن بعد
A comparison of distance education instructional methods in occupational therapy
ما هو التعليم عن بعد وشروط نجاحه ؟
Community Backgrounds of Education: A Textbook and Educational Sociology, pp 249—250• Journal of Allied Health, 31 4 , 247-251
التعليم عن بعد
" American Educational History Journal, 24 1 , 111—122 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
; Ringer, Fritz; Simon, Brian; Bryant, Margaret; Roach, John; Harte, Negley; Smith, Barbara; Symonds, Richard 1988 " Gifted Child Today, v

تعريف التعلم عن بعد

Clark, "The Correspondence School" 1906 p 329• Kett, Pursuit of Knowledge Under Difficulties, p 240• E-supervision as a complementary approach to traditional face-to-face clinical supervision in rehabilitation counseling: Problems and solutions.

مفهوم التعليم عن بعد
Teachers and Machines: The Classroom Use of Technology Since 1920, pp 19—26• Kett, Pursuit of Knowledge Under Difficulties: From Self-Improvement to Adult Education in America 1996 pp 236-8• Distance supervision: Research, findings, and considerations for art therapy
مفهوم التعليم عن بعد
Carey, Forms and Forces in University Adult Education Brookline, MA: Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, 1961 , 18-19
معنى التعليم عن بعد : أسلوب يشهد إقبالاً، مزايا رائعة وتربح المال منه
Tatum Anderson 16 May 2007