This is a very famous Shi'i Iraqi poem written by Kadhim Mandhur al-Karbala'i and commemorates Qasim ibn al-Hasan, who's day of commemoration is the 8th of Muharram in the Arabic tradition | |
I'm deprived of wedding I never had a wedding and | Now, in regards to what the line means, I'm gonna have to strugglle a bit translating it into English, but I'll give it a go: "oh my mom, tell me when a wedding procession passes by |
If you read or listen on, the first verse refers to Jasim that is to say, Qasim and Ramla Qasim's mother | The image of the wedding, and the idea that Qasim's mother would have been expecting to see her son married, but instead saw him slaughtered on the battle field, is a common poetical device in poems that commemorate Qasim which comes up again and again |
The full text can be found here: The poem can be heard here recited by Hamza Zghayyir for whom the poem was originally written : Qasim ibn al-Hasan died at the battle of Karabala at roughly the age of 13, which, then, was a common age for young men to start thinking about marriage |
Probably Sunnis in Lebanon and Iraq are more exposed to this genre of religious songs.