سالي ٤٤. Sealey Ak6524 Telescopic Articulated Mirror

Translation of whole text from English to Kurdish similar to Google Translate Translation of Kurdish words into English
• This website translates text from English to Kurdish, Kurdish to English and Arabic to Kurdish Tries to recognize different word senses according to the context

Sally Fouad سالي فؤاد

Below are the common English basic phrases and their meaning in other languages: No.

• �32mm Inspection mirror is mounted on twin ball joints for maximum articulation
Kurdish Boy and Girl Names
• Spell-checking of misspelled English words
أحدث مجموعة من سالي أزياء دمية الجميلة للأطفال
Features: Heavy-duty seven section extending mirror with textured grip and pocket clip
• Mouse over underlined words shows synonyms
• Kurdish text in both Arabic and Latin script

Kurdish Boy and Girl Names


Sally Fouad سالي فؤاد
Kurdish Boy and Girl Names
Sealey Ak6524 Telescopic Articulated Mirror