الهي واسع الكرمي. Stream الهي واسع الكرم .. يوسف الايوب by Amera Abd Elaziz II

I ask You to bestow blessings on Muhammad and his Progeny MGB from the earlier to the later ones I ask You by Your Names that are Sublime, Glorious, Most Benevolent, Good, and Beautiful! I pray to You as one who does not find anyone but You to forgive him
O' Lord of the worlds O' Lord of the worlds

الحياة في العالمين الروحيين

Your spirituality will increase, because you will accept to be humble.

I also know that You are in the position of fulfillment for him who asks You, and in the position of help for him who cries to You for help
Eid Al Adha
O' Lord of the Two Worlds! 286 Supplications and Deeds for the Whole Year sun! And grant him the means, dignity and nobility
الهـــــي واسع الكرم
Indeed I ask You by the totality of Your Names along with Your Grand Name — the "Lord of the Throne of Glory Supreme! Please forgive my past and future sins, whether they are hidden or known
And You are the King of all that is in the heavens, and the King of all that is in the earth "2 "In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
Please expand me my breast for Islam, bless me with faith, dress me with piety, and save me from the torment of the Hell-fire And I call upon You O' Lord of Dominion and Authority! O' He who dispels the sorrow of the distressed! Verily You have power over all things

الحياة في العالمين الروحيين

Please relieve me from my worries.

الهـــــي واسع الكرم
I take refuge in You from any evil deeds that may come in between me and You, make a distance between me and You,or cause You to turn Your Noble Face away from me
الهـــــي واسع الكرم
You know the weight of the mountains, the extent of the seas, the number of drops of rain, and leaves of the trees
مرعي الكرمي
He Who does what He wills! And I call upon You O' Lord of Strength and Power! And truly traveling to You is short in duration, the supplications of one who is travelling to You is not blocked off from Your Hearing
of truth, which was made to them in this life You are the Light of the heavens and the earth and whatever lies within them! Allah is He, than Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace and Perfection , the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory be to God!
not for naught Hast You created all this! You will want to give your highest respect and that cannot be without a prostration No slumber can seize Him nor sleep

الهـــــي واسع الكرم

If you sit on strange chairs, you think you are important.

Eid Al Adha
Please pardon my sins by Your Mercy, and my wrongdoings by Your Forgiveness, my misdeeds by Your Pardon, my evil deeds by Your Forebearance, my harming and oppressing myself by Your Overlooking
مرعي الكرمي
He is the Self-Subsisting, Eternal
نشيد إلهي واسع الكرم ورب البيت والحرم . مؤثر جدا
I ask You by Your Grand Name by which the Religion is sustained