The Holy Prophet has summed this up in this concise and comprehensive sentence: "The Qur'an is either an argument in your favour or against you | |
On the other hand, those wicked people who reject this and turn their back on its guidance, in fact, are unjust to themselves | English - Sahih International : And We send down of the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss• Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na tunateremsha katika Qur'ani yaliyo ni matibabu na rehema kwa Waumini Wala hayawazidishii madhaalimu ila khasara• We send down stage by stage in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss |
Somali - Abduh : Waxaana soo dajinaynaa Quraanka Isagoo caafimaad iyo Naxariis u ah Mu'miniinta Daalimiintana uma siyaadiyo Waxaan Khasare ahayn• Melayu - Basmeih : Dan Kami turunkan dengan beransuransur dari AlQuran Ayaayat Suci yang menjadi ubat penawar dan rahmat bagi orangorang yang beriman kepadanya; dan sebaliknya AlQuran tidak menambahkan orangorang yang zalim disebabkan keingkaran mereka melainkan kerugian jua• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan Kami turunkan dari Al Quran suatu yang menjadi penawar dan rahmat bagi orangorang yang beriman dan Al Quran itu tidaklah menambah kepada orangorang yang zalim selain kerugian• After this, if they reject its guidance and persist in their deviation, it is a clear proof that they are not ignorant but workers of iniquity and worshippers of falsehood, which arc averse to the Truth.
25Therefore, they themselves are in that cast fully responsible for their deviation and whatever crimes they commit after that, shall incur their full punishment | 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我降示可以为信士们治疗和给他们以恩惠的《古兰经》,它只会使不信道者更加亏折。 This is because before the revelation of the Qur'an or their acquaintance with it, they suffered from ignorance alone but when the Qur'an came before them and made distinct the difference between Truth and falsehood, no excuse was left with them to remain in their previous condition of |