الدولة الفاطمية. الفاطميون

As the military viziers effectively became heads of state, the Caliph himself was reduced to the role of a figurehead 1036—1094 Quarrels over his succession led to the split
After Egypt, the Fatimids continued to conquer the surrounding areas until they ruled from Ifriqiya to , as well as Nevertheless, the Seljuqs of Syria kept the Crusaders occupied for several years until the reign of the last Fatimid Caliph al-Adid 1160—1171 when, in the face of a Crusade threat, the caliph appointed a warrior of the Seljuq regime by the name of Shirkuh to be his chief minister

كتب تاريخ الدولة الفاطمية العسكري

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أين تأسست الدولة الفاطمية
Walker, Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2014, Vol I, pp
مؤسس الدولة الفاطمية
Early Shi'ism and the roots of Isma'ilism [ ] The Shi'a opposed the and caliphates, whom they considered usurpers
سقوط دولة الفاطميين بقلم الدكتور عبد الحليم عويس
In 916—921, al-Mahdi built himself a new, fortified palace city on the Mediterranean shore, , removed from the Sunni stronghold of
Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol In 969, they conquered , and in 973 they established as the capital of their
At its height, the caliphate included — in addition to Egypt — varying areas of the , , , the , and the At its height, in addition to Egypt, the caliphate included varying areas of the Maghreb, Sicily, the Levant, and the Hijaz

Fatimid Caliphate

Spanning a large area of , it ranged from the in the east to the in the west.

تاريخ الفاطميين فى مصر
Under Arwa, the Da'i al-Balagh the imam's local representative Lamak ibn Malik and then Yahya ibn Lamak worked for the cause of the Fatimids
تاريخ الفاطميين فى مصر
After the decay of the Fatimid political system in the 1160s, the ruler had his general, , seize Egypt from the vizier in 1169
قائمة الخلفاء الفاطميين
Members of other branches of Islam, like the , were just as likely to be appointed to government posts as Shiites