لماذا تحتاج الطيور التي لاتطير مثل النعامة إلى الريش؟. لماذا تحتاج الطيور التي لا تطير إلى الريش ؟

Sinauer Associates, 23 Plumtree Road, Sunderland, MA 01375 USA• "Saurischian Monophyly and the origin of birds" Godefroit, Pascal; Sinitsa, Sofia M
9 to 9 feet 21 "Physiology and anatomy of avian ear"

لماذا تحتاج الطيور التي لا تطير مثل النعامة الى الريش

Cockburn A, Floyd R, Sheppard A, de Barro P.

لماذا تحتاج الطيور التي لا تطير إلى الريش ؟
New Haven: Yale University Press
It quickly became a profitable industry; so valuable were ostrich plumes that in the early 20th century, they ranked fourth on the list of South African exports after gold, diamonds, and wool
ريش (تشريح)
Newton, Ian 2003 The Speciation and Biogeography of Birds
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America "Energy Conservation and the Evolution of Flightlessness in Birds"
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences "A Jurassic avialan dinosaur from China resolves the early phylogenetic history of birds"


Journal of the Royal Musical Association.

لماذا تحتاج الطيور التي لا تطير مثل النعامة الى الريش
"Anatomy and histochemistry of flight muscles in a wing-propelled diving bird, the Atlantic Puffin, Fratercula arctica"
لماذا بعض الطيور لا تطير.....سبب وراء عدم تطير بعض الطيور
Birds of the World: Recommended English Names
ريش (تشريح)
The feathers can also get soaked in the rain, because ostriches do not have the special gland many birds have to waterproof their feathers while preening
University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology WH Freeman and Co: New York
Under their contour feathers are tiny soft feathers called down, which lie against the skin and keep the bird warm East Lansing, Michigan, US: USDA Avian Anatomy Project, Michigan State University


"A Pedestal of the Platform of the Peacock Throne".

: The American Ornithologists' Union
لماذا بعض الطيور لا تطير.....سبب وراء عدم تطير بعض الطيور
Murphy, Stephen; Legge, Sarah; Heinsohn, Robert 2003
لماذا تحتاج الطيور التي لا تطير مثل النعامة الى الريش
"Flight Feather Moult in the Red-Necked Nightjar Caprimulgus ruficollis"