حارة رحال القطيف. دليل سعودي

getAttribute 'data-clickSource' , 'label': el attr "rel", "nofollow" ; attributionLink
right , new Modal null, null, 'second-layer', null, null, content source, action "CLICK", label info

Harat Rahal Bakery l مخابز حارة رحال

href, 'photoTPW', width, height, false, false, typeof noScroll! href, 'photoTPW', width, height, false, false, typeof noScroll! open url, winName, ops ; if w! open url, winName, ops ; if w! 25 March 2019 7:55 My favorite bakery in dammam, their bread specially the thick one is perfect, also they have very good Falafel besides many kinds of desserts but frankly their desserts are not that good, need much optimizing They have many pies but the best is Zaatar cheese and not spinach.

‫مخابز حارة رحال القطيف
toQueryString to generate url, since it seems that Object
‫مخابز حارة رحال القطيف
getAttribute 'data-clickSource' , 'label': el
مخابز وحلويات حارة رحال
split ' ' ; taRecord
We don't need its content open url, winName, ops ; if w! attr "rel", "nofollow" ; attributionLink
open url, winName, ops ; if w! toQueryString to generate url, since it seems that Object

مخابز وحلويات حارة رحال فرع الدمام احد

A width of 0 indicates the element is not visible.

دليل سعودي
source, action "CLICK", label info
Harat Rahal Bakery l مخابز حارة رحال
split ' ' ; taRecord
js, which should not be present on newer responsive pages new ta