السمنة المفرطة. سمنة

Makhsida N, Shah J, Yan G, Fisch H, Shabsigh R 2005 "[Considerable comorbidity in overweight adults: results from the Utrecht Health Project]"
"Meralgia paresthetica: diagnosis and management strategies" Am J Public Health Nations Health

السمنة، اسباب وعلاج السمنة

"Time spent watching television, sleep duration and obesity in adults living in Valencia, Spain".

أسباب السمنة المفرطة وعلاجها
"Coronary artery aneurysm and thrombosis following chronic ephedra use"
صدى ليبيا
"Exercise for overweight or obesity"
عرض المقالة
Romero-Corral A, Montori VM, Somers VK; et al
"Assessment of body mass index and hand anthropometric measurements as independent risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome" "Regulation of energy balance by leptin"
Johansson E, Bockerman P, Kiiskinen U, Heliovaara M 2009 The European Journal of Obesity

ما هي أسباب السمنة المفرطة؟

Sacks FM, Bray GA, Carey VJ, et al.

السمنة، اسباب وعلاج السمنة
National Control for Health Statistics
صدى ليبيا
Shoelson SE, Lee J, Goldfine AB 2006
ما هي أسباب السمنة المفرطة؟
"Economic and environmental costs of obesity: The impact on airlines"