الفرق بين الشعوب والقبائل. 10 أحاديث شريفة تُفسر آية ''وجعلناكم شعوباً وقبائل لتعارفوا

One God alone is your Creator Therefore, there is no rational ground on account of which one person may be regarded as superior to the other
Similarly, it was inevitable that after settling in different regions of the earth, there should be differences of colors, features, languages and ways of living among the people, and it was also natural that those living in the same region should be closer in affinity and those living in remote regions not so close; but this natural difference never demanded that distinctions of inequality, of high and low, of noble and mean, should be established on its basis, that one race should claim superiority over the other, the people of one color should look down upon the people of other colors, and that one nation should take preference over the ocher without any reason Where there is unusual difference and disparity between the man and the woman in this regard, lifelong companionship will be difficult


The real importance is not of the honor and dishonor of the world but of the honor and dishonor that one will receive from Allah.

You have been created in one and the same way; it is not also so that different men have been created in different ways
Let the people give'up boasting of their ancestors, otherwise they will stand more degraded than a mean insect in the sight of Allah
الفرق بين الشعوب والقبائل في اللغة والاصطلاح وسلبيات كلًا منهم
In this brief verse, AIlah has drawn the attention of all mankind to three cardinal truths: 1 "The origin of alI of you is one and the same: your whole species has sprung up from one man and one woman: aII your races that arc found in the world today are, in fact, the branches of one initial race that started with one mother and one father
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Enyi watu Hakika Sisi tumekuumbeni kutokana na mwanamume na mwanamke Na tumekujaalieni kuwa ni mataifa na makabila ili mjuane Hakika aliye mtukufu zaidi kati yenu kwa Mwenyezi Mungu ni huyo aliye mchamngu zaidi katika nyinyi Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu ni Mwenye kujua Mwenye khabari• New philosophies have been propounded for it, new religions invented, new codes of law made and new moral principles framed; so much so that nations and empires have made this distinction a permanent way of life with them and practiced it for centuries In this verse the whole of mankind bas been addressed to reform it of the great evil that has always been causing universal disruption in the world, that is, the prejudices due to race, colour, language, country, and nationality
Different men have not been created by different Gods No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, and no non-Arab any superiority over an Arab, and no white one has any superiority over a black one, and no black one any superiority over a white one, except on the basis of taqva piety

القرآن الكريم

" Thereupon the Holy Prophet said: "Then Iet the one who is present convey it to those who are absent," Baihaqi In a Hadith he has said: "You are all the children of Adam, and Adam was created from the dust.

الفرق بين الشعوب والقبائل في اللغة والاصطلاح وسلبيات كلًا منهم
The standards of high and low that the people have set up of their own accord, are not acceptable to and approved by AIIah
The real thing that makes one person superior to others is that one should be more God-conscious, a greater avoider of evils, and a follower of the way of piety and righteousness
الفرق بين الشعوب والقبائل
3 The only basis of superiority and excellence that there is, or can be, between man and man is that of moral excellence