Over the last 30+ years as an entrepreneur Tom has owned a dozen businesses I would recommend Tom to help with anyone who is interested in crafting an amazing motivational or professional speech

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He has had his fair share of failures and times when he wanted to quit.

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And that smell which scratches my heart Sneaking in and opening doors To a small joy, to the same old song which is being passed along for generations
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The process is simple, ask the right questions, tell stories that illustrate the point and allow your prospect to buy from you! Needless to say it was a great success
Zeh od yom shishi mirpeset ve'iton Ashemesh kmo ade'agot le'at nimcheket Manginot pshutot zochalot me'achalon Ve'shum sehara kvar lo tastir po et asheket Chorus: Matanot ktanot - Mishehu shalach li matanot ktanot
In this featured article and video you will discover some simple and effective techniques to get your audience to laugh with you Over the course of several sessions via video calls he helped me craft my presentation structure, worked with me on stage presence and most importantly HOW I spoke to my audience

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He then got into the details of what would grab the audiences attention.

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Not only did I have a great connection with the audience but I was also able to get 2 more speaking gigs as well as several new clients