the horror that the enemy shall suffer, From you in the fire of the battlefield | Rise and close ranks, With lives ready for sacrifice |
Speak and say I am awake, Oh war it has been a long time | We will, with our souls |
Hummu Wu Dummu Al-sufuf Shilu Al-hayat 'Alkufuf Yama Al-'adu Rah Yishuf Minkum Binar El-fida.
It has been a long time oh my weapon! Land of the Revolution, who will sacrifice for her sake? Who shall protect Free Egypt? | We shall protect her with our weapons |
glory our glory, You who was built by us, By toil and pain, Never to go to waste | I long for you in my struggle! It has been a long time for the soldiers, Advancing with thunderous roar, Swearing never to return, Except with epoch-making victory |
The people advance like the light, The people stand like mountains and seas, Volcanoes of anger, volcanoes erupting, Earthquakes digging the enemy into their graves.