Oh my box. Rectangles displayed instead of numbers of commits behind · Issue #145 · JanDeDobbeleer/oh

The quality in some scenes were just awful, but some were also great However, that stranger turns out to be her new boss! Decouvrez nos wraps, salades, soupes, desserts et plats à réchauffer et emportez-les du lundi au vendredi de 11h à 14h
I just updated to oh-my-posh 3 When he makes Noomnim his personal assistant, she finds herself wondering whether he is interested in her or just this flirtatious with everyone

Oh My BOX webshop

Plus, the awesome booklet it comes with gives you a little info on each song, a historical timeline following the songs, and many many many colorful photographs! I think I wanna applaud the villains.

Oh My Boss (2021)
To be clear it is almost predominantly pop music so you don't get a whole lot of other eighties genres like disco, reggae, punk, or the early incarnations of rap
Rectangles displayed instead of numbers of commits behind · Issue #145 · JanDeDobbeleer/oh
I can't tell you how many 80's compilations I have and, aside from each of them usually having the same couple songs, like The Fixx or Squeeze, which isn't on here , you're always surprised when you listen to a compilation by which songs you hear that you never knew the name for and all of a sudden you're "like, omigod! This new 7-disc set of 1980s pop tunes stands head and shoulders above previous compilations for its completeness as well as its range
Various Artists
There are a few MAJOR artists that SHAPED the eighties pop scene that are strangely absent like say, Madonna and Michael Jackson
I've watched his other dramas which were filmed after Oh My Boss and he was better and see potential in him, so I think it's fine
She's a bit bland and not too exciting to watch In addition to including the de rigeur one-hit wonders for which the 80s are famous the Vapors' "Turning Japanese" and Kajagoogoo's "Too Shy," for example , this set also includes 80s hits by more successful artists whose careers spanned more than one decade, a feature sadly lacking in many other compilations

Oh My Boss (2021)

The only problem I found was the way the set was packaged.

Various Artists
It's hard to find some of these songs like "Puttin' on the Ritz" by Taco and "They Don't Know" by Tracy Ullman, so I liked having them in this set
Rectangles displayed instead of numbers of commits behind · Issue #145 · JanDeDobbeleer/oh
I have installed different NF fonts using the 'install for all users' option but only Meslo seems to work which is not my preferred font
Oh My BOX webshop
Notre coopérative est très heureuse de vous retrouver et vous servir en cette période tourmentée! No collection is complete without it
Gagnez du temps et commandez-le en ligne, ou appelez nous! It is in a book-like case so I can't put it in my media center with my other CDs I advise anyone who's interested in this to do the same
Here's it not working in 3: Here's it working in 2, the only change is oh-my-posh: OK, so, there's nothing to debug in that case I had everything working great in v2 and really regretting moving to v3 at the moment

Rectangles displayed instead of numbers of commits behind · Issue #145 · JanDeDobbeleer/oh

They did a fabulous job on the song choices, they really fit a minimum of 20 songs on per CD.

Oh My Boss (2021)
This is the ONLY reason I deduct a star
Rectangles displayed instead of numbers of commits behind · Issue #145 · JanDeDobbeleer/oh
Oh My Boss (2021)
Please check this one out!