جمعية المراجعين الداخليين. جمعية المحاسبين الدوليين

The UAE IAA — your first choice for internal auditing related training The UAE IAA provides internal quality auditing training and is the regional leader in this field of innovative approaches Candidates must meet the eligibility requirements for character and identification
The UAE Internal Auditors Association UAE IAA was set up in July 1995, as a non-profit organisation along the lines of its parent body in June 2006, gained approval to become the official IIA affiliate in the UAE Generally, members work in internal auditing, risk management, governance, internal control, information technology audit, education, and security

“التجارة” توقع اتفاقية مع جمعية المراجعين الداخليين لتبادل الخبرات

Accomplished trainers and facilitators add to our repertoire the variety of skills needed to ensure the provision of value addition to your organization.

“التجارة” توقع اتفاقية مع جمعية المراجعين الداخليين لتبادل الخبرات
With an active Internal Audit Practitioner designation you can apply for the CIA program
UAE International Auditors Association
The aim of UAE IAA Quality Services is to offer the members validate their internal audit activities and further strengthen the effectiveness and efficiencies of the processes
جمعية المراجعين الداخليين
To learn more about program eligibility and pricing, please visit the
Program Application and Registration Fees The program application and registration fees may differ per candidate and location, but as a standard are as follows: IIA Members• You will have three years to enroll in the CIA program using your active Internal Audit Practitioner designation as an entry requirement In 2008 it obtained an approval to become the UAE Internal Auditors Association
The Association today has secured the support of leading companies from the UAE who are involved in promoting the profession of Internal Auditing through this medium If your Internal Audit Practitioner designation is no longer active, you will have to either meet the CIA program educational requirements or meet the 5 years of experience requirement to enter the CIA program

جمعية المراجعين الداخليين

These must indicate current status; expired documents will not be accepted.

الجمعية السعودية للمراجعين الداخليين تنظم مؤتمرها السنوي الخامس
The UAE IAA can assist the Chief Audit Executive in further improving its Quality Assurance and Improvement Program QAIP
جمعية المحاسبين الدوليين
جمعية المراجعين الداخليين
Many of these are also recipient of the prestigious QIAL