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All regional, local and national newspapers collectively comprise 1512 approximately You can see that they also telecast in Pashto as well
It is accompanied by its website, which serves as a news portal and provides online access to radio broadcasts Every news is translated in Urdu and it gives you a complete news in Urdu

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You will never be less Urdu-ised.
In the period of 1839 to 1912, a Jewish person named Yaacov belonging to Egypt, first time, issued a newspaper with the objective to spread their cultural ethics
BBC Urdu News Live Pakistan Today
The English language service broadcasts 24 hours a day
Presently, it is on the way of liberty and development
Radio broadcasting in the USA has been categorized into FM and AM It is considered the oldest media as well
So there early development is the best thing I can see and anyone can say that yes they deserve this success that in their field they are on top side The Bengal Gazette was the first main newspaper that James Augustus published in 1780

BBC Urdu News Pakistan Live

According to an estimate made by the Reporters without Borders, in 2012, the US was at the 47th number among 179 nations slowing down the progress.
Also, there are videos to amuse the viewership
BBC Urdu » بی بی سی اردو » BBC Urdu News Live Pakistan «
However, it evolved rapidly and nowadays; the print media are publishing its material with the liberty under the rules of the French Constitution
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