عبارات عن الأخت. عبارات عن الاخ والاخت أكثر من 100 عبارة من أجمل ما كتب عن الأسرة

The best is yet to come, so as long as you are the best sister, I am waiting for you spend some time to visit my new house Dear sister, bless you for always being there for me no matter how much I know I annoy you
I want these moments last forever for you are my precious one Keep on smiling and laughing, accept this life as a gift and receive all the blessings it has already prepared for you

عبارات عن ابن الاخت قصيرة 2021

And then I realize how much blessed I am.

عبارات عن حب الأخوات
Well, in my case, the angel is not invisible
عبارات وكلام جميل عن الأخت
I get up every day with a thought that I am thankful to God who has given me such a pretty sister
عبارات عن ابن الاخت عن ولد
A message a day keeps a brother aware
You are the one I owe my childhood to, my sister, you made it very memorable for me I can see her all the time
Sister, you are so sweet and nice, like sugar and spice Dear sister, could you please text me more often because I miss you very much

عبارات عن الاخت الكبيرة 2020

Sometimes I become jealous, because you have everything of her.

10 عبارات عن الاخت اجمل ما قيل في حب الاخت
I love you so much dear
عبارات عن الاخت الكبيرة 2020
Your pieces of advice are really helpful at a time
100 عبارة عن الأخت
I love you a lot
I like when you are happy and smiling You are the most beautiful girl, believe me
Tell me, sister, what is in your heart, and I will do my best to remove your pain Bring me my past back when we were young

عبارات عن الأخت تعبر عن مكنون قلبك


أجمل كلام عن تخرج الاخ و الاخت والصديق
I know that you took all the responsibility for my mistakes back then, bless you, my sister
عبارات عن ابن الاخت قصيرة 2021
Cars, money, clothes, houses is not everything you need in life
رسائل للاخت بالانجليزي مترجمة
Whenever I look at you, I see our mother