The conclusion of a defensive alliance between Great Britain and the future independent Arab State | Aftandilian, Published by Council on Foreign Relations, 1993, , pages 6—8• 159 1—3 : Pages 267—284 |
The abolition of all exceptional privileges granted to foreigners under the capitulations | Egypt's Bid for Arab Leadership: Implications for U |
see Richard Schofield, Kuwait and Iraq: Historical Claims and Territorial.
14King Hussein And The Kingdom of Hejaz, Randall Baker, Oleander Press 1979, , page 18• see for example Palestine: The Reality, Joseph Mary Nagle Jeffries, Published by Longmans, Green and co | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research |
As cited by R, John and S | Courtenay, James John 2009 The Language of Palestine and Adjacent Regions• "A transition from strombolian to phreatomagmatic activity induced by a lava flow damming water in a valley" |
1995 The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia• and thence along the line Birejek-Urga-Mardin-Kidiat-Jazirat Ibn 'Unear -Amadia to the Persian frontier; East: The Persian frontier down to the Persian Gulf; South: The Indian Ocean with the exclusion of Aden, whose status was to be maintained.
Greenwood, Marc Weller, Published by Cambridge University Press, 1991,• West: The Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea back to Mersin | |