كارفور خريص. كارفور في حي الروضة الرياض

General information The industry in which Carrefour Khurais operates is The shop is small but it has a lot of things
775129, to easily reach the given address using GPS navigation I never highlighted it to customer service and can't tell how they react

كارفور: شارع خريص


هايبرماركت كارفور فرع الروضة الرياض Carrefour
It might be hard to spot because the shop is small
Al Khayma Mall
03 January 2019 13:32 I went there to get BTS merch but I was disappointed looking at the limited options I think "So pink" should also sell bts hoodies but they had a good variety of bt21 merch
Driving directions to مركز الخيمة
It happened to me several times but whether it is small item, I don't have time to complain or I discover it late when I am at home already
More details in our "" It can be challenging to get support or responded if you need and support staff is often not around
Unfortunately, we do not have detailed information about the company's offer and products, therefore we suggest you to contact by phone: You can visit the headquarters of Carrefour Khurais

كارفور, فرع مركز الخيمة

It also has things related to Anime.

Driving directions to مركز الخيمة
It can be challenging to get support or responded if you need and support staff is often not around
كارفور في حي الروضة الرياض
Use the geographic coordinates of the company location: 24
كارفور, فرع مركز الخيمة
I never highlighted it to customer service and can't tell how they react It would be absolutely wonderful if they added more stuff in the bts section
It happened to me several times but whether it is small item, I don't have time to complain or I discover it late when I am at home already

كارفور, فرع مركز الخيمة


سوبر ماركت كارفور الرياض حي الروضة طريق خريص
Driving directions to مركز الخيمة
هايبرماركت كارفور فرع الروضة الرياض Carrefour