ربيع اول اي شهر. دليل المناسبات

After some thicker clouds had moved, i could see the crescent visually with a pair of 20x60 binoculars and there are observed juputer with the four moons, 18 persons were present in this observation
I never saw it with naked eye From York: Philip Holmes, Rupert Powell, Dawood Wilkinson and Qamar Uddin

مركز الفلك الدولي

It was clear or little hazy at half places but other half places were full cloudy.

هل تعلم ..لماذا سمي شهر ربيع الأول بهذاالإسم؟
and there are observed juputer with the four moons, 18 persons were present in this observation
دليل المناسبات
The York Astronomical Society YAS group comprised of 30 observers, as follows
التقويم الهجري لشهر ربيع أول سنة 1442 هجري
Unfortunately, none of the groups were able to sight the Hilal as most places were cloudy
From Batley: Maulana Hasib Mayat, Maulana Habil Makda, Maulana Mohammad Ali Mangera, Maulana Hashim Sacha, Maulana Ismail Sacha, Maulana Abu Bakr Sufi, Maulana Amin Pandor, Maulana Imran Lunat, Qari Ismail Makda, Hafez Yusuf Qadri, Khalid Lakhi, Mohammad Patel, Yasin Munshi, Faryan Adam, Yahya Lunat, Moosa Ravat, Mohammad Bulbulia, Anwar Nadat, Ilyas Patel, Sufyan Pandor, Nazir Abed, Yakub Sallu, Yusuf Mayat, Mohammad Mayat and Vashiullah Bodiat However we have received reliable sighting news from Morocco
It had been announced yesterday officially that Monday 7th March 2011 is 1st Rabee-uth-Thani 1432 in Pakistan After some thicker clouds had moved, i could see the crescent visually with a pair of 20x60 binoculars

هل تعلم ..لماذا سمي شهر ربيع الأول بهذاالإسم؟

The Western horizon was cloudy.

التقويم الهجري لشهر ربيع أول سنة 1442 هجري
I could see the crescent visually during its descent for about 20 minutes, till it simply got to dark to see, a very thin, dark-red line
هل تعلم ..لماذا سمي شهر ربيع الأول بهذاالإسم؟
Crescent age was about 21h and elongation from the sun about 9
مركز الفلك الدولي
The haze sure caused a lot of absorption