Add this title to your bookshelf using the side-bar tool called 'Add to Bookshelf' | Her research interests are focused on different aspects of the immune system, particularly on the relationship between the nervous and immune systems |
But he also recognizes a distinct place for his research in practical applications | Marina-Selini Katsaiti, who is from Greece, studied at the University of Athens Greece , Durham University UK and the University of Connecticut USA |
She has been in the UAE working for UAEU for nine wonderful and very productive years.
I draw a lot of inspiration from that | "I saw what would be my future life at the university and became thrilled to walk on this pathway |
Since then, his research has focused on using waste biomass, such as waste cooking oils and animal fats for biodiesel production, and lignocelluloses for bioethanol production | Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press |
It has been 20 years of exciting moments.
20"Market imperfections, opportunity and sustainable entrepreneurship" | Away from the laboratory, Chris, a father-of-three who is married to wife Brigitte, an Associate Professor in the Department of Life Sciences at Zayed University, Dubai Campus, still dives occasionally for fun |
If it was not for the UAEU I would not be in this place | Business Strategy and the Environment |
"Despite limited manpower, I have spent a lot of my personal time to achieve this.