Pound to shekel. GBP / ILS Currency Exchange Rate & News

The graph currently shows historical exchange rates for Israeli New Shekels per 1 British Pound The denomination and "" all in and ; all surrouned by guilloches
It is subdivided into 100 pence The Anglo-Palestine Bank issued banknotes for 500 mils, 1, 5, 10 and 50 lirot pounds between 1948 and 1951

British Pound(GBP) To Israeli Shekel(ILS) Exchange Rates History

However, the official international currency code of the Israeli new shekel is ILS, as set by the International Organization for Standardization under ISO 4217.

British Pound(GBP) To Israeli Shekel(ILS) Exchange Rates History
View historical exchange rates for the Israeli New Shekel against the British Pound in a tabular format
Israeli pound
Some nations that do not use sterling also have currencies called the pound
GBP / ILS Currency Exchange Rate & News
It is cognate to the root T-Q-L and the root Θ-Q-L ثقل, in words such as thiqal the weight , thaqil heavy or Mithqal unit of weight
In 1952, the government issued a second series of fractional notes for 50 and 100 prutah with 250 prutah notes added in 1953 Invert the graph to see British Pounds per 1 Israeli New Shekel
Passage from the and the It is subdivided into 100


The profile of the fisherman.

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British Pound(GBP) To Israeli Shekel(ILS) Exchange Rates History
Johannes Botterweck; Helmer Ringgren; Heinz-Josef Fabry 21 June 2004
British Pound(GBP) To Israeli Shekel(ILS) Exchange Rates History
View current exchange rates for the British Pound