Split tunneling Split tunneling gives you control over which traffic goes through your VPN tunnel | تفضَّل بزيارة سوق Chrome الإلكتروني على جهاز سطح المكتب لاكتشاف مئات الآلاف من الإضافات للمتسوقين والمصمِّمين والمصورين والطهاة والطلاب ومستخدمي lifehacker وblogger وغير ذلك الكثير |
To get started, browse or search the web in a Chrome window, find the extension or app you want, and tap on the link | Avira Phantom VPN is available for a wide range of devices and operating systems |
Download and install the Android app from the , then log in with your Proton account.
14We have extensively simplified the ProtonVPN interface to make it as intuitive as possible — so you can stay protected every day, hassle free | P2P support Basic, Plus, and Visionary users can torrent on any of our servers |
You can even configure your VPN to auto-connect any time your computer is online | The added security of a connection via VPN means that your sensitive data, such as bank or credit card information, passwords, and private e-mails are kept safe, at home or on the go |
Easy to Use The best security tools in the world will only protect you if used correctly and consistently.