النسبة الذهبية. النسبة الذهبية للمجسمات

Part of the process of becoming a mathematics writer is, it appears, learning that you cannot refer to the golden ratio without following the first mention by a phrase that goes something like 'which the ancient Greeks and others believed to have divine and mystical properties The Form of the Book, p
William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler, Universal Principles of Design: A Cross-Disciplinary Reference, Gloucester MA: Rockport Publishers, 2003• by Michael Schreiber, , 2007 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review

والنزوع نحو المثالية في العمارة

1550—1631 publishes the first known approximation of the inverse golden ratio as a.

النسبة الذهبية في التصميم: مبادئ داخلية متوازنة
1170—1250 mentioned the now named after him in his ; the ratio of sequential elements of the approaches the golden ratio asymptotically
سر الحضارة .. 10 نماذج كانت النسبة الذهبية فيها مقياس الإبداع
Herbert, Robert, Neo-Impressionism, New York: The Solomon R
الباحثون السوريون
Information and activities by a mathematics professor
8 percent retracements of recent rises or declines are common," in Osler, Carol 2000 The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
" He interpreted this imaginatively, and in 1860, was the first of many authors to repeat his false claim Walser, Hans 2001 [ Der Goldene Schnitt 1993]

النسبة الذهبية في التصميم: مبادئ داخلية متوازنة

The golden ratio has fascinated Western intellectuals of diverse interests for at least 2,400 years.

النسبة الذهبية للمجسمات
Hunt, Carla Herndon and Gilkey, Susan Nicodemus
والنزوع نحو المثالية في العمارة
, Gnomon: From Pharaohs to Fractals, Princeton University Press, 1999, p
النسبه الدهبيه
According to : Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from and in , through the medieval Italian mathematician and the Renaissance astronomer , to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist , have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties