Set in the 1960s, the series, packed with mystery and suspense, depicts the adventures of PARANORMAL leading character Dr | Refaat Ismail, a cynical Hematologist with a dark sense of humor, goes through a "journey of doubt" as his world is turned upside down after his lifelong scientific convictions are questioned |
Set in the 1960s, the series, packed with mystery and suspense, depicts the adventures of PARANORMAL leading character Dr | Refaat Ismail, a single hematologist who finds himself faced with a series of supernatural events |
The story is based on the best-selling thriller novel series with the same name "Paranormal" by Ahmed Khaled Tawfik.
9Throughout the season, Refaat is accompanied by his university colleague, Maggie, as they enter the paranormal world and try to save their loved ones from the immense danger that surrounds them | |
Refaat Ismail, a single hematologist who finds himself faced with a series of supernatural events | Refaat Ismail, a single hematologist who finds himself faced with a |