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American Board of Family Medicine Our team works in close collaboration with you and other medical specialists to ensure that you are receiving care tailored to your unique needs
Our experienced, caring team is ready to help you and your family navigate your medical needs and achieve your wellness goals at every age and stage of your journey Our residents team up with your trusted doctor and nursing staff to provide additional time, support and care for you and your family

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Ranked in 5 specialties Exceptional.

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The exceptional family medicine team combines high-tech, high-touch holistic primary care for patients of all ages — from newborns to seniors
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About Family Medicine Our family medicine team takes a family approach to family care, partnering with you to provide exceptional, comprehensive care for a broad range of medical conditions and health maintenance needs
Family Medicine Department
Martin, JC; Avant, RF; Bowman, MA; Bucholtz, JR; Dickinson, JR; Evans, KL; Green, LA; Henley, DE; Jones, WA; Matheny, SC; Nevin, JE; Panther, SL; Puffer, JC; Roberts, RG; Rodgers, DV; Sherwood, RA; Stange, KC; Weber, CW; Future of Family Medicine Project Leadership Committee Mar—Apr 2004
A FAMILY APPROACH TO FAMILY CARE Family Medicine• As an added layer of support, many of our residents speak languages such as Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese
, Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia Our Role in Your Care Our philosophy of care is patient-centered and focused on helping you and your family manage all aspects of your well-being, including treatment for acute and chronic illnesses

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