Her heart is further broken when her best friend, who she is secretly in love with, declares his intention to propose to her older sister | من ناحية أخرى ، هذه السلسلة قادمة من Lee Si-Eun |
Questa serie è basata sull'omonimo cartone animato di lunga data sul web, scritto da Yaongyi | Watch Trailer Watch Episodes Leap Day Yeesa is an artist who was born on leap day in 1992 |
مسلسل الجمال الحقيقي يحكي قصة فتاة تبلغ من العمر 18 عامًا تُعرف باسم Lim Ju-Kyung لديها عقدة نقص مرتبطة ببشرتها ، بشكل أساسي كيف تبدو.
20Erika refuses to give up, tries everything she can think of to persuade Julia | قد تكون أيضًا صورة لـ Ju-kyung من مدرستها السابقة بعد أن هجرها رجل الكافتيريا الوسيم الآخر؟ يمكنك أن تراها وهي تجلس على الأرض وكأنها تبكي؟ من الصعب معرفة ذلك من الصورة |
The series is adapted from the eponymous 2017 story by Ima Madaniah, which was read by over 3 | Senja and Abiyoga are two people who met 5 years earlier and were very much in love, but fate dealt them a cruel hand |
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