However, Marius Sepet has alleged that Boulainvilliers' letter is mythographic and therefore, in his opinion, unreliable Marius Sepet, "Observations critiques sur l'histoire de Jeanne d'Arc | Olivier Bouzy says that accurate birthdates were commonly ignored in the Middle Ages, even within the nobility, except for the princes and kings |
The retrial verdict later affirmed that Cauchon had no authority to try the case | APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, pp |
As a medieval peasant, Joan of Arc knew only approximately her age.
26The event was probably not recorded | The next day, with the aid of only one captain she captured the fortress of Saint Augustins Joan of Arc: Leadership |
Nores JM, Yakovleff Y 1995 | However, they signified approval from matrons of the highest social rank at key moments of her life |
"The schizophrenia of Joan of Arc" | , 'Charles VII', 1974, p |
Margaret June 2002 Web page: November 2003 [1896] | These tests, which her confessor describes as investigations, are not reliable measures of virginity |