We owe a debt to the generations that came before us that, through their trials and tribulations, their traditions and their triumphs, bequeathed to us a Jewish world that includes the State of Israel | To meet, know, and connect with Israelis |
We visited the Gaza envelope, which bore the brunt of the 4,000 missile attacks over the 11 days of fighting in May, spending time with residents and community and political leaders | Listen to אין לי ארץ אחרת MP3 song |
Doron President and CEO JCC Association of North America.
15Notwithstanding its might, influence, and power, Israel cannot create alignment without the determined commitment and goodwill of those in the Palestinian community and the wider Arab world | זאת למרות שעד היום שמורים בידי כל המסמכים המעידים על הרישום בטאבו של אדמותינו ובתינו בעין חוד כאמור, עין הוד כיום |
Israel is far from a perfect place |
עם זאת, הביצוע המקורי הוקלט על ידי.