واحة اوسكار. Oscar's Oasis

He is always asleep at the wheel while his dog, Roco, drives from the original on 17 June 2015
"Walking on the Moon" First appearance of the meerkats• "Parasol, Parabole and Satellite Dish"• In some episodes, however, they work together with Oscar against the trio Whilst he in turn often tries to steal the trio's food

حلقات المسلسل الكرتوني واحة اوسكار for Android

She is quite clever and sneaky, tricking the other animals as well as the two others in the trio.

Oscar's Oasis
An oasis supplies the only fresh water in the area, but its thick population of irascible and hungry crocodiles renders it inaccessible
حلقات المسلسل الكرتوني واحة اوسكار for Android
Voiced by Martial Le Minoux
حلقات المسلسل الكرتوني واحة اوسكار for Android
They always try to eat Oscar
Like Oscar, the trio constantly search for food and water - often competing with him, sometimes abusing him as a means, but occasionally cooperating with him when it suits their purpose Popy, a ; Harchi, a ; and Buck, a , inhabit a derelict situated on a neighboring hill, but they mostly race about on a cast-off warehouse or grocery cart powered by Harchi and directed by Popy
"Finding Water" First appearance of Manolo and Roco• He always tries to keep their cargo safe and frequently chases Oscar and the trio or tries to deter them from the contents of the moving vehicle The show started airing on on July 2nd, 2019

حلقات المسلسل الكرتوني واحة اوسكار

"Falling in Love" First appearance of the female lizard• Whenever he has something interesting, the trio always tries to take it from him.

حلقات المسلسل الكرتوني واحة اوسكار for Android
"Sweet Heart" Features clips from previous episodes, mainly the ones with the female lizard• Oscar is always trying to catch flies and find some water, but most of the time things don't come out right
واحة أوسكار : Abdulrahman Almirie : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
"For a Fistful of Corn"• He is always afraid of Oscar, but the trio are always afraid of him because of his smell
حلقات كرتون واحة اوسكار بدون انترنت for Android
- The "Thieves" of the desert, they sometimes steal stuff from the trio as they compete with Oscar