اهواك واتمنى لو انساك. كلمات أغنية أهواك

His name is sometimes written as 'Abd el-Halim Hafez He has sold over 80 million records to date
In addition to singing, Halim was also an actor, conductor, business man, music teacher and movie producer

كلمات اغنية اهواك وأتمنى لو انساك

He is also known as an icon in modern Arabic music.

كلمات اغنية اهواك وأتمنى لو انساك
He is considered to be one of the Great Four of Egyptian and Arabic music along with Umm Kulthum, Mohammed Abdel Wahab, and Farid Al Attrach
اهواك Lyrics
اهواك Lyrics

اهواك Lyrics


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اهواك Lyrics
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