اصوات البطن. كيفية التخلص من أصوات البطن المزعجة

Normally the spleen and liver are covered by the rib cage, with the liver edge occasionally found 1-2 cm below the costal margin Correct percussion technique is critical for this method to be effective
On the left, tympany over the gastric air bubble and the splenic flexure of the colon should be heard As the air-filled bowel loops are positioned in the closest proximity to the abdominal wall, percussion over most parts of the abdominal cavity elicits a predominantly tympanic sound… Notice that this sound is relatively long, high pitched, and loud

فحص بطني

Therefore, by percussing one can predict the cause of protuberant abdomen, which helps in diagnosis of conditions like ascites.

كيفية التخلص من أصوات البطن المزعجة
The presence of large areas of dullness should prompt evaluation for organomegaly, intra-abdominal masses, or fluid
كيفية التخلص من أصوات البطن المزعجة
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Ask the patient if they are experiencing any tenderness
Ask the patient to take a deep breath and percuss again The sounds produced during abdominal percussion can help detect pathologies like organomegaly, intra-abdominal masses, and fluid accumulation
On the left, tympany over the gastric air bubble and the splenic flexure of the colon should be heard Dull sound on the right, over the liver is expected

كيفية التخلص من أصوات البطن المزعجة

The sounds produced during abdominal percussion can help detect pathologies like organomegaly, intra-abdominal masses, and fluid accumulation.

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Listen to the intensity, pitch, and duration of the percussion note
كيفية التخلص من أصوات البطن المزعجة
This video will illustrate the major anatomical areas to be percussed during an abdominal exam, and the steps and findings of this procedure
فحص بطني
With the exception of an area of dullness over the liver in the right lower anterior chest, tympany is the predominant sound heard over the region